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Global IME Bank

UKaid Skills for Employment (सीप) Programme’s partnership with Global IME Bank (GIBL), IME, Remit Aid and Aadhyanta is designed to bridge a dedicated funding/credit line enabled through investments by global social impact investors seeking modest yields and impact data, targeted towards migrants and their households whose incomes continue to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The onset and continued growth of the COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted income stability of Nepali migrants as many migrant households are now teetering towards financial collapse amidst the global lockdown efforts. While some migrants have been able to hold their assets and bring their last earnings home, many return with empty pockets, spending what little they had, to make it back home. In this context, innovative solutions that can be rapidly deployed and sustained to limit the severity of this system collapse, are needed more than ever. (Read More...)