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UKaid Nepal Skills for Employment (सीप) Monthly Bulletin: February 2021

Funded by the U.K. Government, UKaid सीप, since 2019, is brokering transformational partnerships with the private and public sector to propel growth of employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in priority sectors – commercial agriculture, light manufacturing, tourism, ICT, and construction – primarily in Province 2 and Lumbini Province. सीप uses an innovative Challenge Fund to expand market-aligned skilling, affordable financial products, and ethical migration services linked to gainful livelihoods for Nepalis and growth for industries.

The Month that was: सीप Partner Highlights

सीप’s Partnership with Palpali Dhaka Association: An Embodiment of a Real Public Private Partnership to Enable Sustainable Jobs and Propel Industry Growth. In early February, the first batch of 50 women graduated in Tansen with skills, employment, and entrepreneurship support services— with option to work with Dhaka manufacturing entrepreneurs/ Palpali Dhaka Association (PDA) or start their own home-based business. To enable revival and growth of the industry, in addition to three-month apprenticeship-based skilling to create stronger gainful employment prospects for women weavers, सीप’s partnership entails building reliable linkages to the following for PDA and its weavers:...( View More )