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Ukaid Nepal Skills for Employment (सीप) Monthly Bulletin: May 2021

Funded by the U.K. Government, UKaid सीप, since 2019, is brokering transformational partnerships with the private and public sector to propel growth of employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in priority sectors – commercial agriculture, light manufacturing, tourism, ICT, and construction – primarily in Province 2 and Lumbini Province. सीप uses an innovative Challenge Fund to expand market-aligned skilling, affordable financial products, and ethical migration services linked to gainful livelihoods for Nepalis and growth for industries.

Groundbreaking Digital Portal Transforming the Logistics Industry in Nepal: The Upaya CityCargo and UKaid सीप Partnership Nepal is headed towards a digital disruption along the lines of post-Jio scenario in India and the dot com boom in the United States. Internet penetration is on the rise and the use of e-commerce is growing at an impressive rate. Promising startups are creating a mark in ridesharing, payments processing, food delivery, and e-commerce space. The hugely
promising potential for a ‘Digital Nepal,’ a vision shared by the Government of Nepal too, was devoid of a critical pillar of the e-commerce ecosystem: tech enabled logistics providers. (View More...)